◆ The design of the reflector(without opening) and the special design of the burner
◆ (closed certralized deflector) give an efficient infrared radiation
◆ Comfortable heat area of 38 m2(φ7m)
◆ The central heat area does not overheat the animals(12℃ lower than other brooders)
◆ The outside heat area obtains a confortable tempreature (2℃ higher than other brooders)
◆ An improvement in degree/m² of more than 6% per m²
◆ The top of the building is not too hot(9 ℃ lower than other brooder)
◆ Homogeneity and larger heat difusion:effective heat in all directions
◆ DAOU gas brooder is designed to direct maximum heat uniformly to the floor